Dr. Ron James
Our Project with the help of the Lions Club International ---
A Permanent Summer Camp for Georgian Diabetic Children
This camp will teach three -
Life saving Diabetic Self-Management Skills
1. Insulin Glucose Testing
2. Diet (portion size)
3. Exercise (frequency and intensity)
The permanent camp will be constructed in three phases over the next three years:
Phase I: Dining Hall and Education Center (by 2008) - Estimated cost $150,000
Phase II: Cabins, Laundry and Medical Clinic (by 2009)
Phase III: Sports Field, Soccer and Basketball facilities (by 2010)

First Floor - (approximately 3,625 sq. ft.)
The dining hall and kitchen will be located on the first floor. In the rear of the building the kitchen will measure approximately 55ft x 25ft. and will include a commercial stove and oven, refrigerators and freezer, sinks and food preparations areas, dish washing and storage areas. The dining hall will measure approx. 75ft x 30ft with seating to accommodate 100 individuals at a time. A restroom facility also located on the first floor, will be handicapped accessible.

Second Floor - (approximately 3,625 sq. ft)
The second floor will be an assembly and health instruction area with built-in audio/visual equipment that will allow medical professional to provide the daily health presentation to the campers. This area will also double as the arts and crafts area. A 10ft. x 20ft space will be used to provide interactive computer and video training for the children that thy can use in their free time. A 10ft x 8ft administrative staff office will also be on the second floor.

The camp not only teaches the children the management skills they need to live, but gives them the opportunity to know they are not alone.

While at camp, many develop life-long friendships.